December 31, 2011

Interview with Princess Marie at Jyllands Posten

Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten published an interview with Princess Marie, where she talks about her life at Schackenborg and her work.
On the occasion of this interview new pictures of her have been taken.

- Especially when we are away for longer, so I am suffering from want and feel guilty for Henrik. It's hard not to get frustrated, but very important to find a balance. A frustrated mother is not a good mother. I love being a mom and loves to be home, but I need other stimuli. I can not just sit and think about my family when I have the opportunity to help other people, says Princess Marie to address the frustrations she, like all modern mothers frequently experience in her motherhood.

- The day at Schackenborg begin early in the morning. Marie prepares breakfast to the family, before taking bette Henrik to the nursery. Then she returns to the office on the second floor of the manor.
Joachim's day at the office rarely ends before 17.30.
"Schackenborg is a business, which demands a big effort and a lot of our time. Apart from that I have many meetings with protections and organisations I work with all over the country and in particular in Copenhagen. In fact we do spend a lot of time travelling (on the road) back and forth. So when we are at home, there is a lot to do in connection with running Schackenborg".

More can be read here: Jyllands Posten

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