March 30, 2013

Three years Princesses' lives!

Three years ago today I started this blog. It's almost scary how time flies ;) A big thank you to those who have been reading this blog from the very beginning and motivated me to continue blogging - which would be like talking to myself if it wasn't for you. 

Princesses' lives has changed a bit in the past years. Maybe you remember the "royal blue" look at the beginning ;) And there will be another change in the future, as one Princess is "leaving" us...


  1. Happy Easter and Best Wishes for the Third Birthday of your Blog!

    Thank you very much for your great job doing here!

    Best of Luck and God Blesses!


  2. Keep it up! I love visiting your blog. :-)

  3. After growing up in Sweden and now living in USA for many years, the first thing I do every morning is reading your blog.
    Love it!

  4. Happy Easter and happy birthday of your beautiful Blog .Wish you all the best ,keep it up ...Love you

  5. Your blog is fantastic, I love it! :-)
    Who is leaving us?

  6. Well, Maxima won't be a Princess by the end of April any more, so I decided to cover her activities somewhere else... You'll see ;)

  7. Happy easter and happy birthday , thank you for beautiful pictures

  8. Thank you so much for having created this blog... it has been my favorite to visit!

  9. Happy easter!
    And thank you for your blog

  10. Congratulations Royal Lady! Having found your gem of a blog only recently I am a relative newbie, but I love your blog and enjoy it so much. Thankyou and good luck for more blogging!
    To mark your 3 fantastic years - why not a few "flashbacks" to older interesting posts? Some of your favourites from the past? A thought...
    Thankyou again xxx BecB

  11. but, but, but princesses lives without Maxima, oh i'm crushed.. i understand she's my most awesome vibrant Royal. Happy Birthday to you hip hip hooray!!
    From all in Australia - well me anyway, hope you had a great Easter & here's to the next 3 years & beyond - maybe loose another Princess by then?

  12. Interesting idea, BecB... I'll think about it ;)

  13. Thank you for all your hard work .... best wishes from South Africa!

  14. congrats. love your blog!
