April 6, 2013

State visit from Finland to Denmark

Pictures of the second and last day of the President's visit to Denmark.


  1. Grappig. Lijkt wel een beetje een trouwjurk ;)

  2. CP Mary's hair is sleek and gorgeous, but I'm not a fan of her dress here. It appears slightly too big, is quite shapeless from the shoudlers to the hips, and the flamenco look is all wrong for me. The length of the dress at the front, coupled with the scoop of the fabric around, actually makes Mary's calves look large which is an astonishing feat as she's actually quite tiny.

  3. The dress looks good on Mary.

  4. Crown Princess Mary looks good in that dress.

  5. She clearly wanted to appear 'better' than the other pretty Finnish woman who for politically correctness would probably not wear such an outfit (think public funds etc).

  6. not a good cut for a short legged woman! :/
