June 9, 2013

Wedding of Princess Madeleine and Chris O'Neill - The arrival to the evening banquet

The Royal Family and their guests went by boat to Drottningholm, where the evening banquet was held.


  1. Lots of Wishes and Happiness on the Wedding of Princess Madeleine and Mr. Christopher O'Neill!

    Princess Madeleine looks more than Beautiful in her Wonderful Wedding Dress!

    May God support both of them in every day of their Life together and till Eternity!

    Best wishes,

  2. Marie and Marie Chantal were also wearing bride dreeses... :O

  3. I think hes more in love than her...
    "Marie and Marie Chantal were also wearing bride dreeses.."
    How do you know??.M-C dress was horrible to me o.O

  4. I think all the guests look lovely, but sister Victoria looks loveliest of all - her dress is perfection, perfect in every way.
